Hide your "Hard Disk"

Monday, November 9, 2009 ·

Here's one way that many of the techniques used to keep the cafe of their files. Technique is to hide the drive. How something like this:
1. Click [Start]> [Run] then type "regedit" and press [Enter].
2. After opening the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer.

3. Create a new value by right click, click [New]> [DWORD Value]. Give the name of this DWORD Value with the name "NoDrives".
4. Double click on the newly created value, and provide value in its value data in accordance with the drive that will be eliminated. Here is the value data to the drive letter you want removed.
The formula, 0 for 2 promotion drive A, 1 for 2 promotion drive B, 2 for 2 promotion drive C, and so on. So this: drive A = 1, B = 2 drives, drive C = 4, D = 8 drive, drive E = 16, F = 32 drive, drive G = 64, and so on.
5. As usual, close the Registry Editor, and restart the PC. Hidden drive will not appear on your PC Exsplorer menu.

Good luck friend ...
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^_^ v

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